Frequent asked questions (FAQ)

No, it is recommended to bring local money (soles) and US Dollar.


In general all regions below  <2,500 m a Malaria prevention is recommended, with some exclusion like Lima Province, the cities of Arequipa, Puno. 

Check the Malaria map and artical about disease.

Check the Travel health notice of the US states for Peru

Note: We are not giving any medical statements. Please refer to your doctor for a medical travel advice.

We strongly recommend checking the coverage of your health insurance for Peru. So in case of any emergency you don’t have to focus on any payment issues. 

A good tip is to include “Repatriation and evacuation”  to get home and be near your family, if needed. 

For all tours, visiting the jungle, Puno and Arequipa, we strongly recommend the yellow fever vaccination. In general, in all regions below 2,300 m a yellow fever vaccination is recommended. 

In case our tour require as a Yellow Fever vaccination, e.g., visiting the Portal of Amaru, it is listed in the tour. 

Check the Yellow fever map and artical about diseases in Peru. Check the Travel health notice of the US states for Peru

Note: We are not giving any medical statements. Please refer to your doctor for a medical travel advice.

We advise bringing a part in cash, mainly USD and/or Soles.

As second, we recommend using traveler’s checks.  

In case you need additional money, you could send it to yourself using a money transfer service. Or just taking it out of an ATM (take care of the fees). 

The rainy season starts in November and lasts until April. But even in the rainy season, it is unusual not to see the sun for more than two days. You will find some further information in our weather article.

If you present any type of problem in your health, do not hesitate to inform the guide or take the necessary precautions. If you have altitude sickness (soroche), it is very easy to avoid it, just rest and relax the first day of your stay. Check our altitude advices.


In addition to our general recommendation, we listed the tour specific things in each tour.

We recommend to exchange in big Cities, e.g., Lima and Cusco. Our guide will advise you the areas to exchange best. Even several exchange shops are in one place, it’s always advisable to go to several places and check the exchange rate.

In general, we recommend bringing USD. It’s widely accepted and could be easily exchanged everywhere. 
Where to exchange your own currency to USD or Soles depends on your bank fees. So check several banks in your home country. 

In general, we are not giving any medical statements and advise visiting your doctor at least two months before your trip.

A good overview is given by the CDC of the US states. 

To avoid all confusions, we only use the 24-hour time system. 


24-hour system

12-hour system


12:00 p.m. / noon


1:00 p.m.


2:00 p.m.


3:00 p.m.


4:00 p.m.


5:00 p.m.


6:00 p.m.


7:00 p.m.


8:00 p.m.


9:00 p.m.


10:00 p.m.


11:00 p.m.

00:00 (or 24:00)

12:00 a.m. / midnight

All distances and altitudes are given in metric units. The altitudes are given as meters above sea level (m.a.s.l). 


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