Weather in Machu Picchu

The Inca city of Machu Picchu is located at 2400 m in a subtropical zone, between the Andes mountain range and the Amazon jungle, having a warm and humid climate. There are two seasons: The rainy season that goes from October to March, the climate is very temperate with temperatures between 8° and 22 °C, the rains are copious in this season and with more intensity during the months of January and February. The dry season goes from April to September, the days become clear with a radiant sun and a unique blue sky. Temperatures rise to 25 °C during the day, but drop to 0°C during dawn, especially in the months of June and July, rains are sporadic, but always present, is the best time to visit Machu Picchu.

The weather is warm and humid during the day and cool at night. The temperature oscillates between 12 and 24 degrees Celsius. The area is generally rainy (about 1,955 mm per year), especially between November and March. The rains, which are copious, alternate quickly with moments of intense solar brightness.

Rainy season (November to March)

The rainy season in Machu Picchu goes from November to March, during this time there is the greatest amount of rainfall of the year; of this time, February is the rainiest month, that is why the Inca Trail is closed during this month. But despite the continuous rains, the days are warmer, with temperatures ranging between 19 and 21 º C, and nights are not as cold as in the dry season. However, visiting Machu Picchu during the rainy season has its advantages, and the worst thing that can happen during this time is that you get wet.

It is possible that there is one of “those days” in which the rain falls without stopping; nevertheless, the rains are normally presented in intermittent gusts that can last from a few minutes to a couple of hours and are generally in the afternoon. This abundance of rains dresses the Inca city with its most intense green, this is something spectacular in Machu Picchu. Although the rains fall in the afternoon, there can be rainfall at any time of day, do not be confident.

What to bring in the rainy season

If you are coming during this time do not forget to pack waterproof clothing, an umbrella and shoes that allow you to walk safely on wet and slippery surfaces.

If you want to ascend Huayna Picchu Mountain during this time, we recommend you choose the second group (entrance from 10:00 to 11:00 hours). But why this group? During the rainy season Machu Picchu usually dawns covered with clouds and with little visibility, and this is not very good if I pack your best camera to take the amazing views of Machu Picchu from this mountain; however the clouds dissipate in the course of the morning.

Season (April to October)

The dry season in Machu Picchu are from April to October; In this season the climate is dry, especially in the months of June, July and August. The days are warm, with an average temperature between 17 and 19 °C. Nights are cooler during the dry season, and it is not uncommon for temperatures to drop below zero in June and July. Many consider this to be the best time to go to Machu Picchu; however, it is also the time when Machu Picchu receives its largest number of visitors.

In this season the days are sunny, and the flora is presented in all its splendor, this thanks to the abundance of insects. It should be noted that this is also the coldest season, especially the months of June and July, when temperatures drop to -2 ºC.

On September gives you the opportunity to visit Machupicchu in spring, during this time in particular, the climate is wonderful, the landscapes are greener, there are fewer people and everything is cheaper; in addition, the climate allows you to take all the photos you want of Machu Picchu. This is one of the best times to climb some of the Machu Picchu mountains.

If you plan to reach Machu Picchu by the Inca Trail or another long hike, know that temperatures in the mountains can drop to -5ºC or more.

What to bring for the dry season?

If you plan to visit Machu Picchu during this time of the year, know that the season requires visitors to bring sun protection (cap, sunscreen, sunglasses), insect repellent and abundant of water. The nights are cold, so bring warm clothes.

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