
4 Days


4550 m

Physical level



The Lares Valley is located between the eastern slope of the Andes and the northern part of the Urubamba Mountain Range. It is a place with beautiful glacial lagoons and warm subtropical ravines, as well as a great variety of vegetation and wild fauna.

It is surrounded by a mountain chain of the mountain range, where the snow-capped mountains of Verónica, Sawasiray, Pitusiray and Chicón are found. Furthermore, it is home to small communities of Quechua-speaking farmers, who maintain their customs of llama and alpaca grazing, tuber cultivation and tissue production.

Because of all the above, this valley offers a great variety of tourist attractions. It is common for tourists to reach the Lares to interact with the local communities and learn more about their traditions, also gives the possibility of doing one of the best trekking routes in Cusco.

The 04 Days Trekking tour from Lares to Machu Picchu combines the best high Andean landscapes of the Sacred Valley, passing through ravines, snow-capped mountains, lagoons and colorful native villages that still preserve their traditions and lifestyle learned by their ancestors. You can also learn a little about the typical flora and fauna of the region.

On our way we will appreciate the Andean camelids such as llama, alpacas, sheep, etc. In our way to Lares we will find small communities that will show us part of their culture and customs, where we will share our experiences with them. A tour not to be missed in your visit to the beautiful Imperial City of Cusco, will be an incredible experience in the best of the Andes.

Highlights:  The geography of the Cusco region comprises a complex surface, from warm valleys to dazzling snow-capped mountains, to get to know these wonders. Today there are several hikes, mostly using the paths used by the ancient settlers of the Andes, who dominated the rugged geography without difficulty.



The first walking day will start from the village of Pumahuanca in the Sacred Valley. We will make our way quietly towards one of the side valleys, covering about 14 km in total and ascending about 1150m, as we head towards the village of Puyoc. On our way we will visit the small Inka site of Pumahuanca and learn more about native plants, flowers, and birds that inhabit this region.

This route is little traveled by other companies, so we can enjoy the peace and tranquility of our environment without distractions or discomfort. Due to the fact that few people visit this area, there is a high probability that we can appreciate Vizcachas (a rabbit similar to a chinchilla), and perhaps also the Andean Fox. At night our camp will be located in Puyoc (4100m); place that is quite sterile due to the altitude, and where it would not be rare to appreciate snow during the dry season, therefore it is recommended to wear gloves and hats.




This will be the most spectacular day of the trek and lighter compared to the previous day. From our camp we will travel about 13 km to the village of Cuncani, a trail that is almost mostly downhill, as the opening is only 2 hours walk from the starting point.

As we head to Cuncani we will pass through snow-capped peaks high around us, also through quiet mountain lakes (including Yanacocha or “Agua Negra” lagoons). We will get to know the local people, dressed in their traditional bright red clothes. This side of the open is completely culturally different compared to the other side, and as we descend from the open, your guide will teach you about the people of these areas and their way of life. You will also be able to learn some Quechua phrases to interact with the local people.




This third day we will focus on getting to know the local people. After waking up early, our guide will take us to one of the houses in the area, where we will meet a local family. The people are incredibly welcoming and will be just as eager to learn about you as you are to learn about them – for that, you will have already learned and mastered some phrases to be able to ask some questions (many for delight and fun). After the visit you will have the opportunity to give any gifts you have brought to the local people and also to buy some locally made alpaca products for which this region is famous.

Leaving Cuncani will take us a short distance (6 km) to reach the Lares Hot Springs. Along the way, we will cross several small communities and see people growing a variety of foods like Quinoa and Tarwi.

We will probably also see flocks of Andean parrots flying above us (they are easy to detect thanks to their penetrating squawks). After a relaxing bath in the hot springs, we will be picked up by our bus and driven back to the Sacred Valley, from where we will take our train to Machu Picchu.




We will wake up very early to take the first bus to Machu Picchu to enter the citadel as soon as it is opening. We will have a 2-hour guided tour of the site, during which you will learn about the Incas by visiting all the most important areas of the Inca citadel. After your tour, you will have time to ascend Huayna Picchu or Machupicchu Mountain (optional, if you have the permits and/or entrance tickets). In the afternoon, we will take the train back to Ollantaytambo, from where we will continue in a van back to the city of Cusco.


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